Running dpEmu

Running notebooks

All jupyter notebooks provided can be opened in a browser with:

jupyter notebook docs/case_studies/Text_Classification_OCR_Error.ipynb

and remotely executed in console with:

jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=None --inplace --execute docs/case_studies/Text_Classification_OCR_Error.ipynb

Running scripts

User defined scripts are run similarly as the predefined examples.

Run the examples from project root.

If the examples do not require command line arguments, then they can be run as follows:

python3 examples/filter_examples/

If the examples require command line arguments, add them after the name of the file, each one separated by space (the argument 22 tells the angle of the counterclockwise rotation of the picture):

python3 examples/filter_examples/ 22

The interactive mode is used in some examples and is activated by writing -i:

python3 examples/ test 4 -i