Text classification: OCR error

import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numba import NumbaDeprecationWarning, NumbaWarning
from numpy.random import RandomState
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC

from dpemu import runner
from dpemu.dataset_utils import load_newsgroups
from dpemu.filters.text import OCRError
from dpemu.ml_utils import reduce_dimensions_sparse
from dpemu.nodes.array import Array
from dpemu.pg_utils import load_ocr_error_params, normalize_ocr_error_params
from dpemu.plotting_utils import visualize_best_model_params, visualize_scores, visualize_classes, \
    print_results_by_model, visualize_confusion_matrices
from dpemu.utils import get_project_root

warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=ConvergenceWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaDeprecationWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=NumbaWarning)
def get_data():
    data, labels, label_names, dataset_name = load_newsgroups("all", 10)
    train_data, test_data, train_labels, test_labels = train_test_split(data, labels, test_size=.2,
    return train_data, test_data, train_labels, test_labels, label_names, dataset_name
def get_err_root_node():
    err_root_node = Array()
    err_root_node.addfilter(OCRError("normalized_params", "p"))
    return err_root_node

def get_err_params_list():
    p_steps = np.linspace(0, .98, num=8)
    params = load_ocr_error_params(f"{get_project_root()}/data/example_ocr_error_config.json")
    normalized_params = normalize_ocr_error_params(params)
    err_params_list = [{
        "p": p,
        "normalized_params": normalized_params
    } for p in p_steps]

    return err_params_list
class Preprocessor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.random_state = RandomState(0)

    def run(self, train_data, test_data, _):
        vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.5, min_df=2, stop_words="english")
        vectorized_train_data = vectorizer.fit_transform(train_data)
        vectorized_test_data = vectorizer.transform(test_data)

        reduced_test_data = reduce_dimensions_sparse(vectorized_test_data, self.random_state)

        return vectorized_train_data, vectorized_test_data, {"reduced_test_data": reduced_test_data}
class AbstractModel(ABC):

    def __init__(self):
        self.random_state = RandomState(42)

    def get_fitted_model(self, train_data, train_labels, params):

    def run(self, train_data, test_data, params):
        train_labels = params["train_labels"]
        test_labels = params["test_labels"]

        fitted_model = self.get_fitted_model(train_data, train_labels, params)

        predicted_test_labels = fitted_model.predict(test_data)
        cm = confusion_matrix(test_labels, predicted_test_labels)
        return {
            "confusion_matrix": cm,
            "predicted_test_labels": predicted_test_labels,
            "test_mean_accuracy": round(np.mean(predicted_test_labels == test_labels), 3),
            "train_mean_accuracy": fitted_model.score(train_data, train_labels),

class MultinomialNBModel(AbstractModel):

    def __init__(self):

    def get_fitted_model(self, train_data, train_labels, params):
        return MultinomialNB(params["alpha"]).fit(train_data, train_labels)

class LinearSVCModel(AbstractModel):

    def __init__(self):

    def get_fitted_model(self, train_data, train_labels, params):
        return LinearSVC(C=params["C"], random_state=self.random_state).fit(train_data, train_labels)
def get_model_params_dict_list(train_labels, test_labels):
    alpha_steps = [10 ** i for i in range(-4, 1)]
    C_steps = [10 ** k for k in range(-3, 2)]
    model_params_base = {"train_labels": train_labels, "test_labels": test_labels}
    return [
            "model": MultinomialNBModel,
            "params_list": [{"alpha": alpha, **model_params_base} for alpha in alpha_steps],
            "use_clean_train_data": False
            "model": MultinomialNBModel,
            "params_list": [{"alpha": alpha, **model_params_base} for alpha in alpha_steps],
            "use_clean_train_data": True
            "model": LinearSVCModel,
            "params_list": [{"C": C, **model_params_base} for C in C_steps],
            "use_clean_train_data": False
            "model": LinearSVCModel,
            "params_list": [{"C": C, **model_params_base} for C in C_steps],
            "use_clean_train_data": True
def visualize(df, dataset_name, label_names, test_data):
        score_names=["test_mean_accuracy", "train_mean_accuracy"],
        is_higher_score_better=[True, True],
        title=f"{dataset_name} classification scores with added error"
        title=f"Best parameters for {dataset_name} classification",
        title=f"Best parameters for {dataset_name} classification",
        title=f"{dataset_name} test set (n={len(test_data)}) true classes with added error"
def main():
    train_data, test_data, train_labels, test_labels, label_names, dataset_name = get_data()

    df = runner.run(
        model_params_dict_list=get_model_params_dict_list(train_labels, test_labels),

    print_results_by_model(df, dropped_columns=[
        "train_labels", "test_labels", "reduced_test_data", "confusion_matrix", "predicted_test_labels",
    visualize(df, dataset_name, label_names, test_data)

Models LinearSVCClean and MultinomialNBClean have been trained with clean data and LinearSVC and MultinomialNB with erroneus data.

100%|██████████| 8/8 [09:23<00:00, 84.65s/it]
LinearSVC #1
test_mean_accuracy train_mean_accuracy p C time_err time_pre time_mod
0 0.720 0.792343 0.00 0.001 14.081 20.823 0.199
1 0.809 0.884620 0.00 0.010 14.081 20.823 0.251
2 0.842 0.946658 0.00 0.100 14.081 20.823 0.289
3 0.846 0.973005 0.00 1.000 14.081 20.823 0.461
4 0.835 0.974043 0.00 10.000 14.081 20.823 2.246
5 0.645 0.760286 0.14 0.001 77.115 21.137 0.266
6 0.751 0.879948 0.14 0.010 77.115 21.137 0.299
7 0.799 0.951979 0.14 0.100 77.115 21.137 0.370
8 0.798 0.973783 0.14 1.000 77.115 21.137 0.625
9 0.789 0.974173 0.14 10.000 77.115 21.137 3.082
10 0.591 0.719533 0.28 0.001 140.397 20.408 0.264
11 0.693 0.869825 0.28 0.010 140.397 20.408 0.295
12 0.737 0.956132 0.28 0.100 140.397 20.408 0.376
13 0.751 0.973783 0.28 1.000 140.397 20.408 0.662
14 0.742 0.974173 0.28 10.000 140.397 20.408 3.285
15 0.510 0.675146 0.42 0.001 220.260 21.367 0.296
16 0.630 0.848799 0.42 0.010 220.260 21.367 0.387
17 0.692 0.956652 0.42 0.100 220.260 21.367 0.425
18 0.699 0.973394 0.42 1.000 220.260 21.367 0.748
19 0.691 0.974043 0.42 10.000 220.260 21.367 3.867
20 0.443 0.627255 0.56 0.001 260.029 20.559 0.285
21 0.557 0.815185 0.56 0.010 260.029 20.559 0.342
22 0.642 0.957949 0.56 0.100 260.029 20.559 0.417
23 0.657 0.974043 0.56 1.000 260.029 20.559 0.760
24 0.650 0.974692 0.56 10.000 260.029 20.559 4.079
25 0.396 0.586892 0.70 0.001 345.086 20.691 0.283
26 0.504 0.788709 0.70 0.010 345.086 20.691 0.353
27 0.624 0.956003 0.70 0.100 345.086 20.691 0.417
28 0.639 0.974043 0.70 1.000 345.086 20.691 0.764
29 0.627 0.974562 0.70 10.000 345.086 20.691 4.118
30 0.371 0.575730 0.84 0.001 379.122 21.887 0.282
31 0.466 0.776639 0.84 0.010 379.122 21.887 0.349
32 0.581 0.958339 0.84 0.100 379.122 21.887 0.415
33 0.604 0.974043 0.84 1.000 379.122 21.887 0.762
34 0.603 0.974951 0.84 10.000 379.122 21.887 4.236
35 0.357 0.554705 0.98 0.001 532.418 21.617 0.286
36 0.453 0.757430 0.98 0.010 532.418 21.617 0.360
37 0.580 0.955354 0.98 0.100 532.418 21.617 0.419
38 0.604 0.973653 0.98 1.000 532.418 21.617 0.774
39 0.592 0.974432 0.98 10.000 532.418 21.617 4.261
LinearSVCClean #1
test_mean_accuracy train_mean_accuracy p C time_err time_pre time_mod
0 0.720 0.792343 0.00 0.001 14.081 20.823 0.197
1 0.809 0.884620 0.00 0.010 14.081 20.823 0.250
2 0.842 0.946658 0.00 0.100 14.081 20.823 0.288
3 0.846 0.973005 0.00 1.000 14.081 20.823 0.461
4 0.835 0.974043 0.00 10.000 14.081 20.823 2.240
5 0.678 0.792343 0.14 0.001 77.115 21.137 0.206
6 0.771 0.884620 0.14 0.010 77.115 21.137 0.259
7 0.812 0.946658 0.14 0.100 77.115 21.137 0.300
8 0.801 0.973005 0.14 1.000 77.115 21.137 0.482
9 0.778 0.974043 0.14 10.000 77.115 21.137 2.384
10 0.627 0.792343 0.28 0.001 140.397 20.408 0.184
11 0.722 0.884620 0.28 0.010 140.397 20.408 0.234
12 0.755 0.946658 0.28 0.100 140.397 20.408 0.268
13 0.733 0.973005 0.28 1.000 140.397 20.408 0.428
14 0.718 0.974043 0.28 10.000 140.397 20.408 2.086
15 0.558 0.792343 0.42 0.001 220.260 21.367 0.211
16 0.650 0.884620 0.42 0.010 220.260 21.367 0.246
17 0.679 0.946658 0.42 0.100 220.260 21.367 0.281
18 0.661 0.973005 0.42 1.000 220.260 21.367 0.450
19 0.636 0.974043 0.42 10.000 220.260 21.367 2.200
20 0.457 0.792343 0.56 0.001 260.029 20.559 0.183
21 0.564 0.884620 0.56 0.010 260.029 20.559 0.233
22 0.592 0.946658 0.56 0.100 260.029 20.559 0.270
23 0.551 0.973005 0.56 1.000 260.029 20.559 0.433
24 0.523 0.974043 0.56 10.000 260.029 20.559 2.115
25 0.366 0.792343 0.70 0.001 345.086 20.691 0.177
26 0.474 0.884620 0.70 0.010 345.086 20.691 0.224
27 0.508 0.946658 0.70 0.100 345.086 20.691 0.258
28 0.461 0.973005 0.70 1.000 345.086 20.691 0.418
29 0.418 0.974043 0.70 10.000 345.086 20.691 2.038
30 0.299 0.792343 0.84 0.001 379.122 21.887 0.178
31 0.382 0.884620 0.84 0.010 379.122 21.887 0.226
32 0.406 0.946658 0.84 0.100 379.122 21.887 0.260
33 0.371 0.973005 0.84 1.000 379.122 21.887 0.417
34 0.343 0.974043 0.84 10.000 379.122 21.887 2.042
35 0.239 0.792343 0.98 0.001 532.418 21.617 0.177
36 0.311 0.884620 0.98 0.010 532.418 21.617 0.224
37 0.317 0.946658 0.98 0.100 532.418 21.617 0.259
38 0.281 0.973005 0.98 1.000 532.418 21.617 0.415
39 0.257 0.974043 0.98 10.000 532.418 21.617 2.037
MultinomialNB #1
test_mean_accuracy train_mean_accuracy p alpha time_err time_pre time_mod
0 0.834 0.961583 0.00 0.0001 14.081 20.823 0.038
1 0.843 0.960675 0.00 0.0010 14.081 20.823 0.032
2 0.851 0.958209 0.00 0.0100 14.081 20.823 0.032
3 0.852 0.951979 0.00 0.1000 14.081 20.823 0.032
4 0.832 0.925892 0.00 1.0000 14.081 20.823 0.032
5 0.763 0.968981 0.14 0.0001 77.115 21.137 0.054
6 0.786 0.968981 0.14 0.0010 77.115 21.137 0.044
7 0.805 0.968332 0.14 0.0100 77.115 21.137 0.044
8 0.810 0.966126 0.14 0.1000 77.115 21.137 0.044
9 0.794 0.940818 0.14 1.0000 77.115 21.137 0.057
10 0.728 0.970539 0.28 0.0001 140.397 20.408 0.048
11 0.747 0.970409 0.28 0.0010 140.397 20.408 0.046
12 0.770 0.970019 0.28 0.0100 140.397 20.408 0.046
13 0.782 0.968073 0.28 0.1000 140.397 20.408 0.046
14 0.736 0.946009 0.28 1.0000 140.397 20.408 0.046
15 0.691 0.971317 0.42 0.0001 220.260 21.367 0.073
16 0.706 0.971317 0.42 0.0010 220.260 21.367 0.055
17 0.736 0.971317 0.42 0.0100 220.260 21.367 0.055
18 0.742 0.970409 0.42 0.1000 220.260 21.367 0.055
19 0.665 0.946398 0.42 1.0000 220.260 21.367 0.055
20 0.665 0.971317 0.56 0.0001 260.029 20.559 0.053
21 0.691 0.971317 0.56 0.0010 260.029 20.559 0.050
22 0.705 0.970928 0.56 0.0100 260.029 20.559 0.050
23 0.708 0.970279 0.56 0.1000 260.029 20.559 0.050
24 0.601 0.941077 0.56 1.0000 260.029 20.559 0.050
25 0.625 0.971836 0.70 0.0001 345.086 20.691 0.056
26 0.649 0.971836 0.70 0.0010 345.086 20.691 0.050
27 0.678 0.971836 0.70 0.0100 345.086 20.691 0.050
28 0.687 0.971058 0.70 0.1000 345.086 20.691 0.050
29 0.551 0.928358 0.70 1.0000 345.086 20.691 0.050
30 0.615 0.972356 0.84 0.0001 379.122 21.887 0.053
31 0.637 0.972356 0.84 0.0010 379.122 21.887 0.050
32 0.655 0.972226 0.84 0.0100 379.122 21.887 0.050
33 0.649 0.972226 0.84 0.1000 379.122 21.887 0.050
34 0.508 0.923945 0.84 1.0000 379.122 21.887 0.050
35 0.595 0.971707 0.98 0.0001 532.418 21.617 0.055
36 0.618 0.971707 0.98 0.0010 532.418 21.617 0.051
37 0.651 0.971707 0.98 0.0100 532.418 21.617 0.051
38 0.650 0.970668 0.98 0.1000 532.418 21.617 0.051
39 0.480 0.912914 0.98 1.0000 532.418 21.617 0.051
MultinomialNBClean #1
test_mean_accuracy train_mean_accuracy p alpha time_err time_pre time_mod
0 0.834 0.961583 0.00 0.0001 14.081 20.823 0.035
1 0.843 0.960675 0.00 0.0010 14.081 20.823 0.032
2 0.851 0.958209 0.00 0.0100 14.081 20.823 0.032
3 0.852 0.951979 0.00 0.1000 14.081 20.823 0.032
4 0.832 0.925892 0.00 1.0000 14.081 20.823 0.032
5 0.778 0.961583 0.14 0.0001 77.115 21.137 0.044
6 0.801 0.960675 0.14 0.0010 77.115 21.137 0.031
7 0.818 0.958209 0.14 0.0100 77.115 21.137 0.031
8 0.825 0.951979 0.14 0.1000 77.115 21.137 0.031
9 0.808 0.925892 0.14 1.0000 77.115 21.137 0.031
10 0.708 0.961583 0.28 0.0001 140.397 20.408 0.033
11 0.729 0.960675 0.28 0.0010 140.397 20.408 0.029
12 0.751 0.958209 0.28 0.0100 140.397 20.408 0.029
13 0.765 0.951979 0.28 0.1000 140.397 20.408 0.029
14 0.754 0.925892 0.28 1.0000 140.397 20.408 0.029
15 0.575 0.961583 0.42 0.0001 220.260 21.367 0.034
16 0.605 0.960675 0.42 0.0010 220.260 21.367 0.029
17 0.643 0.958209 0.42 0.0100 220.260 21.367 0.033
18 0.683 0.951979 0.42 0.1000 220.260 21.367 0.029
19 0.680 0.925892 0.42 1.0000 220.260 21.367 0.029
20 0.451 0.961583 0.56 0.0001 260.029 20.559 0.031
21 0.477 0.960675 0.56 0.0010 260.029 20.559 0.027
22 0.517 0.958209 0.56 0.0100 260.029 20.559 0.027
23 0.563 0.951979 0.56 0.1000 260.029 20.559 0.027
24 0.582 0.925892 0.56 1.0000 260.029 20.559 0.027
25 0.337 0.961583 0.70 0.0001 345.086 20.691 0.030
26 0.363 0.960675 0.70 0.0010 345.086 20.691 0.026
27 0.387 0.958209 0.70 0.0100 345.086 20.691 0.026
28 0.445 0.951979 0.70 0.1000 345.086 20.691 0.026
29 0.451 0.925892 0.70 1.0000 345.086 20.691 0.026
30 0.261 0.961583 0.84 0.0001 379.122 21.887 0.031
31 0.272 0.960675 0.84 0.0010 379.122 21.887 0.027
32 0.290 0.958209 0.84 0.0100 379.122 21.887 0.027
33 0.320 0.951979 0.84 0.1000 379.122 21.887 0.027
34 0.353 0.925892 0.84 1.0000 379.122 21.887 0.027
35 0.216 0.961583 0.98 0.0001 532.418 21.617 0.030
36 0.218 0.960675 0.98 0.0010 532.418 21.617 0.027
37 0.233 0.958209 0.98 0.0100 532.418 21.617 0.026
38 0.261 0.951979 0.98 0.1000 532.418 21.617 0.026
39 0.276 0.925892 0.98 1.0000 532.418 21.617 0.026
/wrk/users/thalvari/dpEmu/dpemu/plotting_utils.py:299: RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning, see the rcParam `figure.max_open_warning`).
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))

The notebook for this case study can be found here.