Object detection: JPEG compression

Warning: Runtimes can be several hours even on clusters.

We compared the performance of models from FaceBook’s Detectron project and YOLOv3 model from Joseph Redmon, when different error sources were added. The models from FaceBook’s Detectron project were FasterRCNN, MaskRCNN and RetinaNet.

import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image

from dpemu import runner
from dpemu.dataset_utils import load_coco_val_2017
from dpemu.filters.image import JPEG_Compression
from dpemu.ml_utils import run_ml_module_using_cli, load_yolov3
from dpemu.nodes import Array, Series
from dpemu.plotting_utils import print_results_by_model, visualize_scores
from dpemu.utils import get_project_root

We used 118 287 jpg images (COCO train2017) as the train set and 5000 images (COCO val2017) as the test set to calculate the mAP-50 scores.

[ ]:
def get_data():
    imgs, _, _, img_filenames = load_coco_val_2017()
    return imgs, img_filenames
def get_err_root_node():
    err_node = Array()
    err_root_node = Series(err_node)
    return err_root_node

Examples from run_yolo_example.py

quality: 5


quality: 15


quality: 25


quality: 40


def get_err_params_list():
    return [{"quality": q} for q in range(5, 45, 5)]
class Preprocessor:

    def run(self, _, imgs, params):
        img_filenames = params["img_filenames"]

        for i, img_arr in enumerate(imgs):
            img = Image.fromarray(img_arr)
            path_to_img = f"{get_project_root()}/tmp/val2017/" + img_filenames[i]
            img.save(path_to_img, "jpeg", quality=100)

        return None, imgs, {}

Detectron’s model zoo had pretrained weights for FasterRCNN, MaskRCNN and RetinaNet. YOLOv3’s weights were trained by us, using the Kale cluster of University of Helsinki. The training took approximately five days when two NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs were used.

class YOLOv3Model:

    def run(self, _, imgs, params):
        path_to_yolov3_weights, path_to_yolov3_cfg = load_yolov3()

        cline = f"{get_project_root()}/libs/darknet/darknet detector map {get_project_root()}/data/coco.data \
            {path_to_yolov3_cfg} {path_to_yolov3_weights}"
        out = run_ml_module_using_cli(cline, show_stdout=False)

        match = re.search(r"\(mAP@0.50\) = (\d+\.\d+)", out)
        return {"mAP-50": round(float(match.group(1)), 3)}

class AbstractDetectronModel(ABC):

    def run(self, _, imgs, params):
        path_to_cfg = self.get_path_to_cfg()
        url_to_weights = self.get_url_to_weights()

        cline = f"""{get_project_root()}/libs/Detectron/tools/test_net.py \
            --cfg {path_to_cfg} \
            TEST.WEIGHTS {url_to_weights} \
            NUM_GPUS 1 \
            TEST.DATASETS '("coco_2017_val",)' \
            MODEL.MASK_ON False \
            OUTPUT_DIR {get_project_root()}/tmp \
            DOWNLOAD_CACHE {get_project_root()}/tmp"""
        out = run_ml_module_using_cli(cline, show_stdout=False)

        match = re.search(r"IoU=0.50      \| area=   all \| maxDets=100 ] = (\d+\.\d+)", out)
        return {"mAP-50": round(float(match.group(1)), 3)}

    def get_path_to_cfg(self):

    def get_url_to_weights(self):

class FasterRCNNModel(AbstractDetectronModel):

    def get_path_to_cfg(self):
        return f"{get_project_root()}/libs/Detectron/configs/12_2017_baselines/e2e_faster_rcnn_X-101-64x4d-FPN_1x.yaml"

    def get_url_to_weights(self):
        return (

class MaskRCNNModel(AbstractDetectronModel):

    def get_path_to_cfg(self):
        return f"{get_project_root()}/libs/Detectron/configs/12_2017_baselines/e2e_mask_rcnn_X-101-64x4d-FPN_1x.yaml"

    def get_url_to_weights(self):
        return (

class RetinaNetModel(AbstractDetectronModel):

    def get_path_to_cfg(self):
        return f"{get_project_root()}/libs/Detectron/configs/12_2017_baselines/retinanet_X-101-64x4d-FPN_1x.yaml"

    def get_url_to_weights(self):
        return (
def get_model_params_dict_list():
    return [
        {"model": FasterRCNNModel, "params_list": [{}]},
        {"model": MaskRCNNModel, "params_list": [{}]},
        {"model": RetinaNetModel, "params_list": [{}]},
        {"model": YOLOv3Model, "params_list": [{}]},
def visualize(df):
        title="Object detection with JPEG compression"
def main():
    imgs, img_filenames = get_data()

    df = runner.run(
        preproc_params={"img_filenames": img_filenames},

loading annotations into memory...
Done (t=0.54s)
creating index...
index created!
  0%|          | 0/8 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

 12%|█▎        | 1/8 [48:22<5:38:35, 2902.14s/it]

 25%|██▌       | 2/8 [1:37:02<4:50:44, 2907.49s/it]

 38%|███▊      | 3/8 [2:26:01<4:03:06, 2917.21s/it]

 50%|█████     | 4/8 [3:15:03<3:14:58, 2924.60s/it]

 62%|██████▎   | 5/8 [4:04:14<2:26:37, 2932.38s/it]

 75%|███████▌  | 6/8 [4:53:27<1:37:56, 2938.49s/it]

 88%|████████▊ | 7/8 [5:42:35<49:01, 2941.60s/it]

100%|██████████| 8/8 [6:31:51<00:00, 2945.84s/it]
FasterRCNN #1
mAP-50 quality time_err time_pre time_mod
0 0.092 5 64.709 122.873 808.970
1 0.277 10 66.442 127.487 809.532
2 0.407 15 68.678 134.865 811.471
3 0.479 20 70.196 137.164 813.800
4 0.523 25 70.890 139.103 814.348
5 0.550 30 72.191 142.072 812.131
6 0.566 35 73.478 144.595 812.938
7 0.576 40 74.204 145.890 813.014
MaskRCNN #1
mAP-50 quality time_err time_pre time_mod
0 0.105 5 64.709 122.873 796.518
1 0.301 10 66.442 127.487 809.272
2 0.431 15 68.678 134.865 810.367
3 0.498 20 70.196 137.164 808.612
4 0.539 25 70.890 139.103 811.646
5 0.563 30 72.191 142.072 811.534
6 0.576 35 73.478 144.595 810.514
7 0.587 40 74.204 145.890 812.432
RetinaNet #1
mAP-50 quality time_err time_pre time_mod
0 0.122 5 64.709 122.873 1007.092
1 0.305 10 66.442 127.487 1009.791
2 0.412 15 68.678 134.865 1014.549
3 0.466 20 70.196 137.164 1011.720
4 0.500 25 70.890 139.103 1015.210
5 0.521 30 72.191 142.072 1014.208
6 0.535 35 73.478 144.595 1009.012
7 0.543 40 74.204 145.890 1010.712
YOLOv3 #1
mAP-50 quality time_err time_pre time_mod
0 0.103 5 64.709 122.873 98.066
1 0.312 10 66.442 127.487 92.068
2 0.421 15 68.678 134.865 92.472
3 0.466 20 70.196 137.164 92.607
4 0.493 25 70.890 139.103 92.315
5 0.508 30 72.191 142.072 92.577
6 0.515 35 73.478 144.595 92.671
7 0.522 40 74.204 145.890 92.401

The notebook for this case study can be found here.